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Threat and Vulnerability Management

Identify, understand and protect against
vulnerabilities in your technology
infrastructure with bespoke security solutions

Every business is unique, and this means that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to the tools and techniques needed to effectively respond to vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity infrastructure. Understanding weaknesses is just the first step, and you need a bespoke security solution to keep your assets safe and your business on track. 


Our vulnerability and penetration testing services help you to gain insight into your critical processes and underlying technology infrastructure, including clouds, containers and applications, and show you how to close the door on potential threat actors, empowering your security team across the entire threat lifecycle. 

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Establish vulnerability management guardrails that minimize the threat of breaches and accelerate your response time should a threat occur.

Discover more about SHI’s threat and vulnerability management services by contacting our team of experts today.

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Establish robust real-time endpoint detection and response that can protect even when computers are servers aren’t connected.

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Understand which tools you need to use to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities to keep your business-critical assets safe.

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Leverage security automation to increase efficiency across your business processes while still reducing risk in your technology environments.

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By conducting comprehensive analysis of your current cybersecurity posture, showing you where and how you could strengthen and improve it. 

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Learn the motives of cyber attackers, and the techniques that they may use to try and penetrate your defenses. 


Implement a world-class cybersecurity toolkit using leading industry technologies that make it easier for you to detect malicious activity and protect your data.

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Translate your security data into the concise business metrics that your executive are focused on so that they can make important cybersecurity decisions with ease, while also ensuring that you adhere to all regulatory compliance frameworks.

SHI can help you

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